BWT Sailing Club
Home Port for English Speaking Sailors in Israel
October/November Newsletter
Hi Sailors! We returned to our sailing activities with the very successful September monthly "Fun Sail." If you missed it there will be plenty of other opportunities in the coming months. For the winter we are going to combine the "Fun Sail" along with some "BWT Advanced Sailing Topics sessions, and schedule one sail a month. If you have any ideas for advanced topics you'd like to cover, let me know and we'll include it in one of the upcoming sessions.
Here are the scheduled dates for October and November
Thursday, October 27- Night Sail 1800-2100
Join your fellow BWT Club members and guests for a night sail in Herzliya. Many of the ASA grads have sailed at night as part of their course and will surely want to do it again. We'll review night sailing topics such as the transition from daylight to darkness aboard the ship, required navigation lights, preparation for heavy weather, watch system, and of course the famous "Green Flash." Price: 350 Shekels.
Friday, November 25 – Heavy Weather Sailing 0900-1200
Can't forecast strong winds so far out, but November is generally a stronger winds month.We'll practice reefing, trimming sails for heavy weather, boom preventer, dealing with weather helm, and review safety gear, clothing, etc. Half the time will be leisurely and half covering the topic of the month. Price: 350 Shekels.
For reserving your place or more information: or contact Howard on WhatsApp Look forward to sailing with you! Howard